Long after COVID-19, American society will continue to be diverse, but it doesn’t have to be divided or unequal. This pandemic will continue to force us to change, adapt, and rebuild. As we do so, we can transform our world with racial equity at its center.
-- In "For a More Equitable America, Understand Race and Racism as Actions We Do and Can Undo," SSIR
Here are examples of my work translating research into actionable insights for practitioners and general audiences and for media mentions. See RESEARCH for some examples of the academic research and publications behind this work.
RaceWorks Toolkit:
Doing Race & Undoing Racism
RaceWorks is a toolkit I developed that provides educators and facilitators with multimedia tools to have better informed, more meaningful conversations about race with students and coworkers. The toolkit leverages insights from research that shows how people “do race,” and how we can put this way of understanding race to work to “undo racism.”
Where Do We Go From Here?
Insights from Social Science
Where Do We Go From Here? is a resource that I created with the SPARQ team that offers a curated set of stories, science, and solutions to help people make sense of tensions around race, policing, and culture change and envision a path forward. The resources are organized around a common set of current and enduring questions and concerns.
Sample video explainers
Doing Race Through the
Culture Cycle
Race as a Thing vs.
Race as a Doing
Sample research briefs
Principled Policing:
A Path Toward Building Better Police-Community Relations
With Sarah Lyons-Padilla, Hazel Markus, & Jennifer Eberhardt
Social Emotional Learning in High School: How Three Urban High Schools Educate, Engage, & Empower Youth
With Linda Darling-Hammond
Articles for practitioners
Selected media mentions
How to Get Beyond Talk of 'Culture Change' and Make It Happen / Insights by Stanford Business
How a culture of conformity can stymie even the best of DEI intentions / Fast Company
Stanford Impact Labs Forges Partnerships to Tackle Social Problems / Stanford News
Trump Uses China As A Foil When Talking Coronavirus, Distancing Himself From Criticism / USA Today
How To Have Better Conversations About Race / University Business
New Toolkit Wants to Make Talking About Race Easier / Colorlines
The Unseen Reason Working-class Students Drop Out / Politico
A One-hour Class Could Cut The College Dropout Rate / Reuters
First-generation College Students Benefit From Discussing Class Differences / Stanford News
What Is The Effect Of Asking Americans To Think About The Greater Good? / NPR, The Hidden Brain
Why Americans Don't Join Together: A Scientific Analysis / ABC News
Did Obama Win Because He Addressed White Americans as Individuals? / The Atlantic
'Let's Work Together' Message Can Be Counterproductive / Pacific Standard
Science Confirms The Obvious: Americans Are Selfish / Popular Science
To Motivate Many Americans, Think "Me" Before "We" / Stanford News
America: Land Of The Partners, Home Of The Selfless / Scientific American, PsySociety
Photos: Levi Meir Clancy, Good Free Photos, and Nick Morrison on Unsplash